Company Information

Where can I check the Company details ? We are a limited company, registered in England, number 4951957, look us up at Companies House.

Are you VAT Registered ? Yes, we are VAT registered and our VAT Registration number is 828 6745 85.

What Insurance do you have ?  We have employer’s liability, public liability, professional indemnity and travel insurance.  Contact Cindy or Tim for further information.

What training/cards do Engineers have for site work ? Tim Hill, Andy Semple and Luke Jones hold CSCS cards while Jason Smith holds a JIB ECS card and a CCNSG Safety Passport.  All Engineers have attended First Aid at Work training.  Tim Hill & Jason Smith have also completed Confined Spaces Training and Jason has PASMA Working at Height Training.

What Office software do you use ?  We use Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium.  Financial records are stored on SAGE.

How safe is your data ?  Microsoft software is used to check for Viruses and other threats and provides a Firewall.  We back-up all of our key documents online using DropBox.